George C. Roach

George enjoying a rare view from the bit of bread I left out. He is eager and ambitious.

George has been living under my fridge for years. He is a good tenant and always pays his rent on time. We have an arrangement that seems to work for both parties. He doesn’t make a mess or scare me in the morning and I give him occasional tummy rubs and don’t step on him.

George is trying to move forward in his life so I told him I would put in a good word. George has applied for several jobs already and is really good at penetration testing and cyber security. He can get into anything and will expose potential weaknesses within any facility or organization.

George is a hardworking family guy. He has hundreds of children and grandchildren. He is light sensitive, but that doesn’t have to be a problem. He can survive an endless amount of radiation so if you are a nuclear facility, George is your guy. If you feel that George would be a valuable addition to your business or company, please contact him at: