HumanIfy Incorporated LLC

HumanIfy are going public!

We are currently just a blog but we are very ambitious and expect our IPO to be a once in a lifetime opportunity for investors. We fully expect to be trading on a scale never before seen in history.


Wall Street: It’s a rocketship to the moon!

Warren Buffet: Charlie and me, we’re all in on this one. We’re selling off Berkshire Hathaway and investing in HumanIfy.

Jeff Bezos: HumanIfy is so much more humane than Amazon.

Mark Zuckerberg: I wish I’d thought of it. Instead I created Facebook and now Meta. I feel silly. I’ve tried to be more human. You know, fake it ‘til you make it. HumanIfy has really done it.

God: I tried. I really tried. It just didn’t pan out. I’m retired now so it’s time to step back and let humanity HumanIfy. Maybe I’ll do a little fishing, catch up on my reading. Not the Bible. Catcher in the Rye, A Confederacy of Dunces, stuff like that.