Ask Dr. Unc

A popular contributor to our blog, Dr. Unc, is back. We presented three questions.

1. How will climate change impact us in the future?

Well, changes generally is something people are very afraid of! And I can understand that very very well, but when it comes to climate change many people, or actually most people see it as a bad thing. I think instead you need to see the positive effects also. It can be very interesting and also entertaining. A raised sea level by 10 metres will allow me to take a morning swim straight from my balcony on the 5th floor, instead have to take the elevator down and walk hundreds of meters to the beach.

2. What is the next step for gay and transgender people?

 I know a lot of gay people actually and even myself can experiment quite a bit, not even just with humans actually, could be plants and things of all kinds… but lets talk about that another time. So the next generation of the gayism, as I call it, will be some kind of cybergay. Parts of us, maybe the ass or maybe the front ass, will be more interactive and more adjustable. One day it could be a penis and the next day it could actually be a vagina, you know. Very convenient I must say.

3. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Well depends on the density of the wood I would say. but with little alien technology used on that piece of wood would change the calculation completely. It’s also depends on the rottenness. A really rotten piece of wood loses 1 mg of density every second, so combined with the 1% black hole paradox at the speed of 20 kilometres an hour it probably takes 2 weeks to to reduce even the double amount of that reduced weight. So the simple answer to this question is 1.