Deep Blue Hypothetical

Person: If you were trapped on a desert island and you could have 1 album/record with you, what would it be?

Individual: An island of dessert? Like cupcakes and pastries?

Person: No! A desert island.

Individual: Where am I getting my electricity from?

Person: Let’s say you don’t need it.

Individual: Is it a Flintstones turntable? Hand cranked?

Person: Yeah. Let’s say that it is.

Individual: What about the amplifier?

Person: Let’s say you crank it like one of those emergency survival radios.

Individual: If we can just say it, why not say “send me home”?

Person: It’s a fucking hypothetical!

Individual: You’re tense. You need a holiday. I suggest a desert island.

Person: You crank it. Like a survival radio.

Individual: Why not listen to music on that instead? Now I have lots of options.

Person: Radio doesn’t reach there. It’s in the middle of the Pacific. Say it’s all solar powered. What music would you have?

Individual: Can you be more specific about where in the Pacific?

Person: Oh, forget it!

Individual: I think I just got rescued from this silly island. Now I can listen to all the music I want.

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