
Scientists discover new planet inside earth!

According to a recent study published in The Journal of Unbelievable Science, a team of researchers from the University of Adver City have found evidence of a hidden planet within earth’s core. The planet, named Terra Nova, is about the size of Mars and has its own atmosphere, gravity, and magnetic field.

The researchers claim to have detected Terra Nova by using a new technique called seismic tomography, which involves sending sound waves through the earth and measuring how they bounce back. By analyzing echoes, they were able to create a 3D map of the earth’s interior and reveal the presence of Terra Nova.

The discovery of Terra Nova has shocked and amazed the scientific community, as well as the general public. Some experts hail it as the discovery of the century, while others have dismissed it as a hoax or a conspiracy theory. Some have even speculated that Terra Nova might be inhabited by an ancient civilization or alien life forms.

The researchers who made the discovery are planning to launch a mission to explore Terra Nova and learn more about its origin, structure, and potential inhabitants. They hope their findings will shed new light on the history and evolution of the earth and the solar system.

However, they also face many challenges and risks, such as drilling through the earth’s mantle and crust, dealing with extreme temperature and pressure, and avoiding possible conflicts with the inhabitants of Terra Nova. They also have to deal with ethical and legal issues, such as who owns and controls Terra Nova and its resources.

General Shutefurst: We should enter with respect, leaving things intact, in a spirit of peace but, to be honest, we’ll probably just go in and kill everything straight away, just like we always do.